DIN Number Registration

DIN Number Registration


What is DIN Number Registration ?

DIN Number or Director Identification Number is a unique identification 8 digit number that is required for any existing Director of a Company. Director Identification Number (DIN) is introduced in India under Companies Amendment Act, 2006. The Director Identification Number provides a unique identity to the director which helps in maintaining information and Record of all directors of a company in a database. According to Companies Amendment Act, 2006, Director Identification Number (DIN) is essential for all existing and new directors or proposed directors of a private limited company registration and DIN has lifetime validity.

Documents required for the DIN Number

  • For a person residing in India, PAN is required for proof of identity.
  • For a person residing in a foreign nation, a passport is sought as a valid proof of identity.
  • Address proofs like passport, election (voter identity) card, and ration card, driving license, electricity bill, telephone bill or aadhaar shall be attached and should be in the name of the applicant only.
  • For Indian applicant, documents should not be older than 2 months from the date of filing of the eForm.
  • For the foreign applicant, address proof should not be older than 1 year from the date of filing of the eForm.